Open banking, API and instant payments: what should corporates really expect?


PSD2 and the EPC new rulebook on instant payments have caused quite a stir on the payment and cash management market recently. But while the advantages for consumers are pretty clear, it is more difficult to understand the concrete added value that this will bring to a Treasurer.

This interactive session aims to explain:

  • the main principles of open banking, the related API’s and the complementary instant payments
  • the main use-cases: concrete examples for different industries. Providing a view on what’s already live and what is yet to come
  • the value it can bring to your company
  • how you can benefit from being an early adopter
  • how to assess the capacity of your banking and solution partners

In order to enable maximum added value, this will be an interactive event. Providing you with the opportunity to share your experiences and ask any question you might have. No prior experience on the topic is needed though!

This is a joint event organized by ATEB and Azzana. This implies that the topic will be discussed from all angles: Corporate Treasury, Banking and Solution Providers.


  • Date: 7 February 2019


  • Hotel Le Plaza – Blvd Adolphe Max 118-126 – Brussels


  • 16h and 16h30: welcome and coffee
  • 16h30 – 18h30: Interactive Presentations
  • 18h30 – 19h30: networking cocktail & and sandwiches


Registration: Fill in the registration form below or send an email to

Additional Info: Send an email to


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